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SERVITI- kajucnost a ucta -

Rehoľa služobníkov Panny Márie, nazývaná aj servíti,

vznikla v bohatom a rušnom meste Florencii (terajšie stredné Taliansko)

. Vyvinula sa z nábožného bratstva, v ktorom sa spájali skutky kajúcnosti s mariánskou úctou.

Spočiatku prevládalo v reholi mníšske úsilie o odlúčenosť od svetského ruchu.

Preto prví servíti odišli z Florencie do samoty na vrch Monte Senario.


Servite Friars Australia - History - Monte Senario

Monte Senario is a Servite monastery in the comune of Vaglia, near Florence in Tuscany, in central Italy.
It stands on the mountain of the same name, ...
Expanded and modified several times over the course of history, the Sanctuary of Monte Senario was built in 1234 at the behest of the seven Florentine nobles who founded the order of the Mary. In the co
nvent distillery the friars still produce excellent liqueurs, including Gemma d'Abeto, whose recipe, which involves the use of silver fir extracts, dates back to 1865